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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - official


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Date: 14th century  1. one who holds or is invested with an office ; officer government ~s  2. one who administers the rules of a game or sport especially as a referee or umpire  II. adjective  Date: circa 1585  1. of or relating to an office, position, or trust ~ duties  2. holding an office  3.  a. authoritative, authorized ~ statement  b. prescribed or recognized as authorized an ~ language  c. described by the United States Pharmacopeia or the National Formulary  4. befitting or characteristic of a person in office extended an ~ greeting  • ~ly adverb
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  adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to an office (see OFFICE n. 5, 6) or its tenure or duties. 2 characteristic of officials and bureaucracy. 3 emanating from or attributable to a person in office; properly authorized. 4 holding office; employed in a public capacity. 5 Med. according to the pharmacopoeia, officinal. --n. 1 a person holding office or engaged in official duties. 2 (in full official principal) the presiding officer or judge of an archbishop's, bishop's, or esp. archdeacon's court. Phrases and idioms official birthday Brit. a day in June chosen for the observance of the sovereign's birthday. official secrets confidential information involving national security. Derivatives officialdom n. officialism n. officially adv. Etymology: ME (as noun) f. OF f. L officialis (as OFFICE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) государственный служащий; должностное лицо 2) должностной; официальный - food inspection official ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) должностной 2) лицо должностное 3) официальный 4) служебный 5) формулярный 6) чиновник - official catalogue - official sample ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) должностное лицо; служащий; чиновник 2) ведомственный 3) официальный; служебный 4) государственный – government official OFFICIAL 1. сущ. 1) служебное лицо 2) должностное лицо 3) служащий • - bank official - customs official - local official - official act - official document - official gazette - official meeting - official use - public official 2. прил. 1) официальный 2) служебный 3) государственный 4) публично-правовой - official classification - official journal - official powers - official rate - official record - official valuation OFFICIAL 1. сущ. 1) упр., эк. должностное лицо, чиновник, служащий government officials — правительственные чиновники union official — профсоюзный чиновник elected official — выборное лицо Syn: officer See: "order book official 2) спорт. (спортивный) судья 2. прил. 1) общ. официальный; государственный official language — государственный язык official statement — официальное заявление Official Secrets Act — закон "О неразглашении государственной тайны" We were invited to attend the official opening. — Мы были приглашены на официальную церемонию открытия. 2) упр., эк. служебный, должностной official duties — служебные обязанности official position — служебное положение 3) общ. формальный; церемонный official manner style — формальный официально-деловой стиль official reply — формальный ответ official circumlocution — бюрократическая волокита Ant: unofficial ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. должностное лицо; чиновник; служащий (государсвтенный, банковский) municipal officials —- муниципальные власти government officials —- государственные служащие; правительственные чиновники high official —- высокое должностное лицо railway officials —- железнодорожные чиновники international official —- международное должностное лицо (в ООН и т. п.) 2. ист. председатель или судья церковного суда 3. спорт. судейская коллегия 4. служебный, должностной official duties —- служебные обязанности official records —- служебные документы official position —- служебное положение official uniform —- служебная форма; форменная одежда official secrecy —- служебная тайна to violate official secrecy —- выдавать служебную тайну for official use only —- только для служебного пользования to be on official business —- находиться при исполнении служебных обязанностей 5. официальный official representative —- официальный представитель official statement —- официальное заявление official condolences —- официальное выражение соболезнования official language of a region —- государственный язык данной местности in official capacity —- дип. в официальном качестве coming from an official source —- исходящий из официального источника that report is not official —- это сообщение неофициальное 6. формальный; церемонный; казенный...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) служебный; связанный с исполнением служебных обязанностей; - official duties  2) официальный; - official representative - official statement  3) формальный, казенный; - official circumlocution - official red tape  4) принятый в медицине и фармакопее  2. noun должностное лицо; (крупный) чиновник; служащий (государственный, банковский и т.п.) OFFICIAL circumlocution бюрократическая волокита; OFFICIAL duties служебные обязанности OFFICIAL red tape волокита; бюрократизм; канцелярщина OFFICIAL statement официальное заявление OFFICIAL representative официальный представитель; ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (officials) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Official means approved by the government or by someone in authority. According to the official figures, over one thousand people died during the revolution... A report in the official police newspaper gave no reason for the move. ? unofficial ADJ: usu ADJ n • officially The nine-year civil war is officially over. ADV: usu ADV -ed, also ADV group, ADV after v 2. Official activities are carried out by a person in authority as part of their job. The President is in Brazil for an official two-day visit. ? private ADJ: ADJ n 3. Official things are used by a person in authority as part of their job. ...the official residence of the Head of State. ADJ: ADJ n 4. If you describe someone’s explanation or reason for something as the official explanation, you are suggesting that it is probably not true, but is used because the real explanation is embarrassing. The official reason given for the President’s absence was sickness. ADJ: ADJ n • officially Officially, the guard was to protect us. In fact, they were there to report on our movements. ADV: ADV with cl/group 5. An official is a person who holds a position of authority in an organization. A senior UN official hopes to visit Baghdad this month. N-COUNT: oft n N 6. An official at a sports event is a referee, umpire, or other person who checks that the players follow the rules. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n someone who has a responsible position in an organization  (trade union members and officials | a government official) ~2 adj 1 approved of or done by someone in authority, especially the government  (You have to get official permission to build a new house. | an official inquiry | The official languages of Canada are English and French.) 2 done as part of your job and not for your own private purposes  (Are you here in your official capacity? | the Queen's official visit to the Bahamas) 3 official information, reasons etc are given formally and publicly, but may not always be true  (The official motive for his resignation was that he wanted to spend more time with his children. | The news is not yet official. (=has not been publicly announced)) 4 chosen to represent someone or an organization, or do something for them  (official photographer to the Royal Family | their official logo) 5 an official event is a formal, public event  (the official opening of the new store) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  non-prof. org. abbr. Ordinary Folks For Immediate Currency Information And Legislation ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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